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"Me-time" is most productive when you learn something new about yourself while ridding your mind of anything that disturbs its peace. The goal in life and the state of being should always be peace. I'm going to share some inspirational words that I came across this week, from by ZenMister:

"...Peace is not a delicate state that can be disturbed by little or big events. Peace is durable and unshakable. Those things that bother you may disturb your sense of peace, but the peace is still there, trying to show itself to anyone who looks. When you practice looking for peace and seeing it in all situations, you will get a good sense of it. Situations may still annoy you and upset you, but, rather than disturb your peace, those emotions will blow by like so much wind. The peace will remain.

When you put peace first, it will help you find, feel, and spread peace. In your interactions with people, rather than feeling threatened, you will naturally feel compassion toward people who have more difficulty finding peace. As you focus on peace, you will find creative ways to demonstrate it through acts of kindness. Some people are resistant to peace, but, whenever anybody is able to feel peace, they appreciate it. Just like that."

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